Oh GOD.. I've finally recieved the pictures from Janice.. Though I don't exactly remembered what happened on Natsu Matsuri itself.. However, I DO happen to know that SOMEONE was smitten by a cute little japanese girl.. *hints the paedophile :P*
In anycase, it was a night filled with fun, laughter and not missing out, the booze and the good food made by traditional Japanese hands.. (Relax ppl, we are all above the drinking age.. :D)
We arrived our destination, the Singapore Japanese School, at around 4+pm... Unfortunately for us, the gates weren't open.. And it was raining.. So, there we have, 4 people squeezing under 2 miserable umbrellas.. Forced to talk a bunch of crap while Shu Hui decidedly pang seh-ed us by reading her book.. *booooo....*
We were looking around for cute and good-looking people when we spot a group of OTAKUs.... OMG... And I thought I was ugly... *no offense, but seriously, if you were to lose to me in terms of looks, you can just go weep in a corner..*
Wrapping the experience up, it was amazing.. Though the weather was kinda a spoilsport..
Gambit and I were having our second Natsu Matsuri, while Carmen and Shu Hui were experiencing their first.. :D
Some photos:
Group photo~!!!!
Do you feel the ENEEERRRRGGGGYYYYY?! Wait!!! No flashhhh!!!

Ok lar.. Much better.... *very very obligated*
The 5 Stones Club