Alright! Who's still alive after our first week apart?! (Okay..that sounds terrible..) The world out there really is overwhelming eh.. Anyway, Turf Club is boring. Fun but boring.. I think the only fun part for me at the time being is driving a buggy.. But that may be cause I havent gotten the chance to drive in almost a month since I got my license.. But man...the new buggies are damn fun! Though I think max speed around 25km/hr..I didnt get to floor the accerlator when I drove the new 4-seater buggy.. The roads werent clear..and some stupid truck just had to come out from the side road. Idiot. Didnt the driver know that vehicles on the main road get priority?! I had to swerved right to avoid crashing into the cab of the the huge 6 wheeler carrier truck. Grrr..But of course, no harm done. I've been taught well by my driving instructor. My supervisor however, is a demon driver. She rides a motorbike to work sometimes -.- And worse is, she got into an accident earlier this year and broke her left arm and her left knee, yet she still rides..omg.. And the way she drive buggy frigging scary too..I've a permanent bruise on my right thigh from bumping constantly against the arm rest of the seat. (note: the driver is on the left side in the buggy..I thought I would have problems with driving on the left. But it is still the same -.- buggy too small lol) Oh yea, buggies arent suitable for driving in wet weather.. It doesnt protect you much from the rain and water on the roads can splash all the way on onto your shoes and jeans.
So did you guys have fun?! When we get our paycheck, lets all go bugis for steamboat!
fondle and grope (JUST KIDDING!)
So did you guys have fun?! When we get our paycheck, lets all go bugis for steamboat!
fondle and grope (JUST KIDDING!)