The SIP was indeed a holistic experience for me. (I've learnt something about buttering the higher authorities up over there..) TP has made my diploma a complete and enriching experience for me.. (Something not quite right eh?)
Finally! I've got my project title and done with my project synopsis.. *Yays!* I had to change my project supervisor from Dr Jean-Paul Ly to Dr Brian Loon.. No choice cause Dr JPL is sooo busy all the time.. And not to mention he extended his China trip... I needed someone who is mostly there all the time.. Not that Dr Loon is all that bad.. He's pretty cool, and young.. Which kinda makes me wonder, how the **** he graduated so young?!
Finally! I've got my project title and done with my project synopsis.. *Yays!* I had to change my project supervisor from Dr Jean-Paul Ly to Dr Brian Loon.. No choice cause Dr JPL is sooo busy all the time.. And not to mention he extended his China trip... I needed someone who is mostly there all the time.. Not that Dr Loon is all that bad.. He's pretty cool, and young.. Which kinda makes me wonder, how the **** he graduated so young?!
Took a few pictures and videos there.. And presenting, ARVC - the prelude.

This is a very very pretty cat, which has a super savage tendency of killing his caretakers.

Benji, the sweetest cat there is on Earth, too bad he is FIV+ though..
Presenting, Tee Vee the Savage cat
This guy sleeps funny.